Friday 13 July 2007

Jay the sheepdog takes a knock

Yesterday Jay was injured at the fank and is lame and looking a bit worse for wear, poor wee soul that she is. She was tumbled under the hooves of a gang of ewes and rams that we were trying to herd into the large shed, whilst at the forefront of a pack of sheepdogs. She may be not so good at the gathering but at close in work can hold her own with the best.

I was alarmed at her injury but the other men just shrugged and said she would be alright. Nevertheless, as the vet passed (because he too is a crofter) I asked him to have a quick look at her foot. No bones broken, he diagnosed after a brief examination, and then scuttled along after the massed ranks of swirling sheep like a medic from the opening scenes of 'Saving Private Ryan'.

Anyway, though hobbling and in obvious pain Jay was keen to get on with the work so I sent her off to join the rest of the dogs in gathering more of the sheep and off she scampered with pain forgotten in the excitement of the chase and only a slight wobble in her gait. Still, not being a complete moron, after another ten minutes I put her in the back of the Land Rover to save her from even more damage.

Her forlorn and pained look of injustice will haunt me for...... a wee while.

1 comment:

aremel said...

Such a sweet sheepdog, very lovely,
I hope Jay is feeling better.
Rose L.