Sunday, 28 July 2013

So long Jay and thanks for the many years of fine companionship

You would think that a person with three dogs would not be too sad if the oldest died and he was left with two. But you would be wrong.

Jay, our Beardie collie, had to be put down last week and it is not so easy as I thought to come terms with her demise. I mean, she was the only dog in the house, with a bed by the kitchen door so she is instantly missed each and every morning. But this will fade in time, of course.

It was her time and she had a good life so, so long Jay and thanks for all the good times and for the company.


Unknown said...

Hi Joe,

we are very sorry to hear of Jay's passing. We met her last year when staying with you in September and visiting the cows together.

Greetings from Austria to you and Yvonne,
Dagmar and Markus

Joe said...

Thank you Markus and Dagmar. We remember you well. Jay was a fine dog and we will miss her for a long, long time.

Best wishes from Skye